Author Topic: Setting custom ranges on axes  (Read 8622 times)

Ron D.

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Setting custom ranges on axes
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:11:28 AM »
When a data file is read in, the range of each axis is automatically set at the minimum and maximum for that variable. Starting with Sliver version 1.2 it is possible to shift the range of any axis up or down at either the top or bottom. This also has the effect of shifting lines up or down along or even off that axis. You can shift a range by selecting an axis and either using the shifting options under the Axis menu or pressing the arrow keys:

  • Up Arrow: Decrease the top range, shifting the lines up at the top
  • Down Arrow: Increase the top range, shifting the lines down at the top
  • Left Arrow: Increase the bottom range, shifting the lines down at the bottom
  • Right Arrow: Decrease the bottom range, shifting the lines up at the bottom

If pressing the arrow keys shifts through the menus instead, press the ALT key and try again.

These operations change the range at the top or bottom by a 0.9 or 1/0.9 factor. Lines can be shifted right off either end of an axis if desired to zoom into an area of interest along an axis.

However, it may take time to shift lines along multiple axes, and in any event only specific ranges can be set because of the constant factors. However, there is a way to set the axis ranges to your particular values (maybe you want the same range for all of them). First, save the current Sliver session to a CSV file by selecting the File-->Save Session menu option and entering a filename ending in a .csv suffix. Then open that file with any text editor. You will see that the minimum and maximum ranges for each axis, in order, are given in the last lines of the file, separated by commas. Edit those values to the ranges you want, save the file, and select the File-->Restore Session to load it in again. Now the axes will have the ranges you entered.

Note that the format of each line is minimum,maximum regardless of whether the axis has been inverted. The complete format of saved session files is provided in Appendix C of the Sliver User's Manual if you would like to change other attributes of the plot either manually or programmatically.


Ron D.

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NEW way to set custom axis ranges Re: Setting custom ranges on axes
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2016, 02:55:17 AM »
Hi All,

Starting with Sliver v1.4 (released soon), there is a new menu function to manually enter a minimum and maximum value for one or more axes, which significantly simplifies assigning custom ranges to the axes. The ability to shift lines off the top and bottom of an axis with hotkeys remains and is still useful for fast investigation and selection of data.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 01:30:32 AM by Ron D. »